The Alpha Male Theory


So, if you read through my nerd as hell title, let's do this

It is not the critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or the doer of deeds could have them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the Arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but he who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great devotion; who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails while daring greatly, knows that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls, who know neither victory nor defeat.
— Teddy Roosevelt

Breaking The Alpha Male Stereotype

The Alpha Male Theory.

What are the common traits of An Alpha Male, according to many many brainwashed guys and popular media?

- An Alpha is first and foremost the most dominant person in the crowd.

- Is the epitome of masculinity by observing a more agressive than assertive stance.

- Is most usually wealthy and uses wealth as a show of power.

- Gets more women than any other man in the room.

- Is always surrounded by lackeys and/or betas.

- Has a borderline arrogant personality. More ego than confidence.

- Assumes muscle mass is directly proportional to their attractiveness.

- Discriminates other men with a prejudice.

- Doesn't fail, ever.

Ok, so there are more traits but I think these will do for now. More often than not when I hear a guy go "I am so Alpha". It makes me crack up, I mean, like really, the first images that hit my head would be.

The Alpha Male Theory

The Alpha Male Theory

Yes, they strike me as immature, this whole Alpha fad is like some overgrown teenager with self esteem issues.

I don't get, people who just want to assume superiority over other miss the big picture entirely because.

The Alpha Male Theory

Reality bites,

- If your goal is just being superior, I'm sorry its a petty goal. It ruins interpersonal relationships and boosts delusion.

- Reduces understanding and creates a lack of good judgement. Its like being drunk without booze.

- Actually makes you more ignorant.

- Makes you more prone to manipulation.

- Ultimately makes you self destructive.

Borderline psychotic yes?

Yet the sad truth is that peer pressure or some dumb media initiative on what some very silly people think makes a man irresistible and near perfect have skewed away the wisdom of men. There are hundereds of books, shows, commercials and what not that describe what the ideal man should be like.

Also note that how 'Alpha' males are associated more with women than men. I mean come on, seriously, who are you trying to be 'Alpha' for? For women? For yourself?

The very idea is a contradiction. But even in this, have the so called 'Alphas' done anything significant for the world?

The men who made the most significant impact in the last century are these guys:

Adolf Hitler

The Alpha Male Theory

Mahatma Gandhi

The Alpha Male Theory

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Alpha Male Theory

Nelson Mandela

The Alpha Male Theory

Malcolm X

The Alpha Male Theory

Yes, these are a few examples of the men who truly changed the scope of the world as we know it.(Yes, note that while I detest Hitler, I cannot deny that his actions have indeed changed the world.)

These men have nearly nothing in familiar, save one, they all struggled fanatically for what they believed. And were ready to die for their beliefs. These are the men that will be remembered in History, for being the most courageous of their kind and to have ushered mankind into a new era.

I mean, compared to what they did falling, failing, crawling, struggling and then finally winning. Its trivial to count the women you've slept with, how much money you made, how much respect and power you hold all seem insignificant. Nobody will remember you for that, no one will even care if you're gone, truly.

Whom I believe to be the Ideal men

- First and foremost, have a strong values and integrity. Will never betray anyone they value for their own desires.

- Respect women in general, after all a woman did bring you into this world. THIS DOES NOT MEAN BEING A DOORMAT, NOT IN ANY SENSE OF THAT EXTREMITY. The reason why I hold respect for women is because they risk their lives giving birth, and to an extent will love unconditionally not even bothering about what kind of person you may turn out to be. Unless a woman is genuinely detestable and plain ignorant, a minimum courtsey must be shown.

- Do not discriminate people to prove themselves as superior, being a better person and not a egoist.

- Can be ruthless on others, but must be the most ruthless on themselves in that case.

- Must be ambitious, but shouldn't let ambition blind their values.

- Must understand that failure is just as valuable as success. Knowing what you're doing wrong is just as important as knowing as what you're doing right.

- Must have self discipline, self control and most importantly, never stop learning.

- And most importnatly, never quit.

Quitters never win and winnners never quit. That is the genuine attribute that makes all the difference.

“Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.”
― Winston S. Churchill

Thank you for reading. Ciao. #AlphaMaleTheory

The Alpha Male Theory
27 Opinion