If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?

If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?

Okay, the title is a bit of an exaggeration; I'm just trying to make a point. :) Anyway, I read this myTake yesterday and I was a little taken aback.

I guess it's more about younger guys, and maybe they really are becoming more afraid of women. And as I'm closing in on 30, I don't have a lot of experience with 22-year-olds anymore. That being said, it's clear to me that not all men are afraid of women; in fact, I doubt the majority are actually "fearful" of being around girls.

I get that more guys are worried about false rape accusations, the overriding aversion to rejection (guys, seriously, you're THAT fragile?), and the obvious fact that divorce courts have always favored women. I really understand all that and as an egalitarian, I don't like any of it. I think we should all be equal in society and relationships and honestly, I don't think it's even that hard to do. We just have to be human.

That being said, I'm hit on constantly. I'm not paranoid about it, I'm not looking for it everywhere I go, I don't give guys dirty looks for flirting, and I'm certainly not imagining it. It just happens. Guys look. They always have and for at least a few more years (I hope), they always will. To be brutally frank, ladies, I've had FAR more trouble with women, as I've come across so many that hate the fact that I'm pretty. Women can be really nasty about this, if you guys weren't aware.

If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?

The point is, I haven't seen any declining interaction with guys. They don't seem to have any trouble coming up and talking to me, and they definitely have no problem looking from afar. Even when I don't want to be flirted with, even when I'm not in the mood, I try to be nice and courteous. They're GUYS. They're not hurting me by flirting, I don't harbor this paranoid feminist delusion that all of them actually want to hurt me, and yeah, I do feel flattered. Any girl who says she doesn't care at all about attention from men hasn't reached a point in her life where she senses that one day, men WON'T give her any attention. Aging is a bitch.

Trust me, when you're around 30, you will get a little smile on your face when a guy flirts. You've still got it and it makes you feel better. And that's okay, I promise. Guys around where I live here in Minneapolis actually seem braver than ever; they're not trying to avoid me and they're definitely not hiding their heads in the sand. If I'm out in public, it doesn't matter where I am - the grocery store, the park, whatever - I will invariably draw a few looks from guys, and maybe one of them will approach. Yeah, sometimes they're nervous but I don't think it's because they're afraid of me...they're just nervous because it's natural to be nervous. And that's another reason I try to be nice.

I've never been attacked or molested or harassed by any of these men, and I don't feel unsafe when I'm around them. I've had my fair share of boyfriends and while none of those relationships worked out for various reasons, I don't hold any grudges and I don't want them to die horrible deaths, or anything like that. I didn't get involved with any of them for financial reasons, I never get involved purely for physical reasons (though I've had a fling or two, but I don't count those as "relationships"), I've never cheated, and yes, I think I know what a "nice guy" is and I LIKE the nice guy.

If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?

Maybe it's just that younger guys are SO nervous that the nerves have actually turned into legitimate fear. And the media is so hell-bent on telling us all these horror stories about relationships gone awry, and groups like MGTOW are constantly slamming all women for being bitches and sluts, and teenage girls are just SO messed up these days (I'm sorry, but it just seems like so many of them are), that young male adults really might feel overwhelmed. I'm just saying that I'm not seeing it in my age group or in my area, that's all. :)

P.S. I also think we should entertain the obvious possibility that only certain types of men are afraid of women...

If Men Are Afraid of Women, Why Am I Hit On Every Hour of Every Day?
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