What I hate about being male!

Those who’ve followed me long enough or viewed my profile will know that I’m a closet trans girl. Now that that’s out of the way here are some of my reasons I dislike being male and some things I envy about women:

1. My first reason is one you’d expect, that I hate having a male body. I hate having facial, body and leg hair (whilst I shave regularly it grows back quickly). I hate having a penis and testicles and not having breasts and a vagina. Testicles in particular are very uncomfortable from the way they dangle to the way they’ll stick to my legs and I constantly have to rearrange them and not to mention that a little flick in the nuts can cause a lot of pain. And having a dick sucks because I have to put up with random erections when I least want them and have to wait until it goes down just to pee. And of course men only have one quick orgasm at a time and will have to wait 15-20 minutes until we can get hard again.

2. Finding a date is much harder for men than it is for women. Women don’t have to do anything to get a date except look reasonably attractive. They don’t have to put anything in their Tinder bio and only have one or two photos and they’ll still get dozens of matches whereas guys have to make their profiles look really interesting and come up with a cleaver line which for some will require watching loads of bullshit pickup videos on YouTube.

3. Women’s fashion is better in my view. Not a lot to say about this as it’s pretty self explanatory.

4. There are plenty of double standards that women are on the better end of such as. For example a man would be mocked for being a virgin and seen as a loser if he hadn’t lost it by a certain age whereas no one cares if a girl hasn’t lost her virginity (or at least nowhere near as much as they would if it were a guy).

That’s all for now as I can’t think of anything else right now so I might do a part two.

What I hate about being male!
What I hate about being male!
Post Opinion