Coworker calls me all the time but has GF?

I work remotely so most of my coworkers also work remotely. He lives far from me. I've worked with him for over a year. He calls me every day. For the 8 hour work shifts we work, we average about 2 hours of talk time a day. When he's not calling he's IM'ing me. It's mostly him talking about general personal stuff. He has a GF. (he rarely brings her up) They have a long distance relationship. He goes and stays with her for a month here and there and he still calls when he's with her but not as friendly as his calls when he's not with her. If he has a GF, why does he call me so much. I know for a fact he doesn't call any of his other coworkers this much or talk to them as long. I also notice a complete difference in his tone when his GF is around him when he's talking to me than when she is not. Why does he do this?
Coworker calls me all the time but has GF?
2 Opinion