Can best friends give each other promise rings?

My best friend is male and nearly 2 years ago we had a big falling out (it was a very messy fall out, he got his family to send me threats) and didn't talk for at least 10 weeks. He came back to me and asked for forgiveness and if we could be friends again. I believe in second chances so I gave him his second chance and he would always say to me that he wants our friendship to work out from the day we became friends again. He knew that the things he said and did at the fall out hurt me and told me he felt guilty, that he never meant it as he was just stressed out.

A few months later we had another argument, wasn't as big as the other one. I can't remember how the argument went but the big fall out came into topic and he said to me "just get over it! I've apologised and apologised and apologised for what I've done and said why can't you just stop bringing it up!? (Only brought it up the once) if you can't even forgive me why am I even friends with you!? Why did you give me a second chance if you can't get over it!?"
We ended up not talking for a few days but he came back apologising for the things he said and that he was sorry for being an asshole - this argument was back in August 2013.

we have not had any massive or major arguments since then. We still argue of course but never in an aggressive fashion, we compromise and usually our arguments/disagreements can be laughed off.

He gave me a promise ring last week promising never to betray my trust and support me and be with me forever.
i've heard of couples giving each other promise rings but never best friends.
Can best friends give each other promise rings?
1 Opinion