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- +1 y
Attractive means attractive.
Just remember that there are a lot more ways to be attractive, than just 'looking good'.
That being said, given the opportunity any single guy probably wouldn't say no, because to finding someone attractive, while not being attracted, is kind of a paradox.
For a guy already in a relationship... depends on his douchebag level.
I know a shitload of visually attractive girls, that I wouldn't bang with another man dick on a stick, because the unattractiveness of their personalities.
But then again, I'm an old fashioned gentleman... I'm sure a lot of guys would screw just about anything.12 Reply- Asker+1 y
Thank you. It's nice to read a longer opinion.
-I know a shitload of visually attractive girls, that I wouldn't bang with another man dick on a stick, because the unattractiveness of their personalities.-
But would you tell those girls they're attractive or tell someone else that you find them attractive or would you find them rather unattractive due to their personalities? - +1 y
To me, good looks are secondary factors.
If I'm not attracted to who they are, I don't really care how beautiful they are.
I could pay a sincere compliment about general looks or style, if asked, but I would never say 'I find you attractive', or 'I think she's attractive'.
To me being calling someone attractive means that 'I' am attracted, so I would most likely use another term to describe a pleasing visual appearance.
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When it comes to girls good looks only come first if they are complete strangers to me. If I know them it is definitely more about their personality. That is what I would say makes a girl attractive.
When a guys says a girl is hot that means he wants to bang her but most of the time I don't think attractive holds the same meaning.00 Reply
What Guys Said
3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Which of your multiple question does the poll apply to?
It is possible to be attracted to phyically but not mentally. I would love to fuck Britt McHenry as the hot blonde she is, but she is a horrible person and I want nothing to do with her.02 Reply- Asker+1 y
POLL: When a guy talks about a girl and says she's attractive or if he tells her that she's attractive, does it mean he wants to have sex with her?
- +1 y
If a guy tells you you're attractive without being asked, it's a come on. He definitely wants to have sex with you. He may or may not also want to have a relationship.
02 Reply- Asker+1 y
What if he is asked by the girl or a third person and that's his answer?
- +1 y
Depends. Would you expect him to be honest? If an ugly girl or one of her friends asks me if she's attractive, I'll probably say yes not to hurt her feelings. You have to decide if he's being honest, or just saving your feelings.
I've never told a girl she's atrractive and wouldn't bang her if she asked... but I've told plenty of atrractive girls they are pretty with no intention of getting into their pants
00 Reply- Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
he is attracted to idea of fucking you but that urge can be controlled so he doesn't necessarily wants to fuck you unless the bad boy aka penis decides to rebel then brain is fucked and he wants to fuck you but then comes the harsh reality that unfortunately we can't fuck anyone moving so rebellion is defeated and we emigrate to promised land of friendzone where it had been an prophecy of returning to beloved fuckzone
Alas it's only a false hope00 Reply - +1 y
Well yes, but if I'm attracted to someone, that means I want to try out a relationship with them. It means I think they're beautiful. Otherwise I would just consider them hot or sexy.
00 Reply A man can say a woman is attractive without any ulterior motive.
20 ReplyCancel your schedule, cuz it's going to be a long night.
00 Reply- Anonymous(36-45)+1 y
Why else would we tell you that shit if we didn't wanna get in your pants?
10 Reply - +1 y
Yes. the answer is yes
.00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Id bang 95% of the girls at my school if i could.
12 Reply- Asker+1 y
Do you think 95% of the girls at your school are attractive or do you mean you would even bang the girls you do not find attractive?
- Opinion Owner+1 y
well, id bring that number down a tad if it was "attractive"
there is a lot of good looking ladies. there are few unattractive ladies that i wouldn't want date.
- +1 y
Most of the time it is the same thing think.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)+1 y
Nope. For some guys it does though
10 Reply - +1 y
I believe so.
04 Reply- Asker+1 y
Thank you. Does pretty/cute/beautiful mean the same as attractive?
- +1 y
Pretty/cute/beautiful is just part of physical attractiveness. Women's physical attractiveness also includes sexy body.
- Asker+1 y
So if you call her pretty/cute/beautiful, it doesn't mean you would bang her, only when you call her attractive?
- +1 y
When I see a skinny beautiful girl with small boobs, sex probably isn't the first thing that comes to my mind. But that doesn't mean I'd refuse to have sex with her.
- Anonymous(25-29)+1 y
Not necessarily
00 Reply
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