Why does he worry what and when I eat?

My boyfriend of just over 4 months has always cared what I eat and when I eat. It's not like I have an eating disorder or anything and I'm not all skin and bones I have a little fat here and there. I'm 5foot 6 and 132 pounds so I'm not small. But he always wants me to eat more than I want or if I say I'm just a bit hungry he tells me to eat or he's going to stop talking to me. This has caused the majority of our arguments and I am starting to wonder if I should just let him have is way or what to do. He also hates it when I work out in any way so I don't know what to do anymore. Please help. Should I let him force me to eat and why does he care so much?
Eat whenever he says to avoid arguments
Only eat when you want to
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Why does he worry what and when I eat?
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