Does he like me or is it wishful thinking?

I've been friends with this guy for around 7 years. We used to do everything together and I'd go over to his house as soon as he got off of work. We've never been single at the same time though. We've gone on trips, he's listened to me botch about breakups, took my side even though he was friends with the guy too, and he's tried to help me to reach goals. I've never thought of him as more than a friwnd. That is until after I moved away for 3 years and only got to see him a few times. Now I ended up in the same town he lives in. We started hanging out again and now I feel even closer to him and have started having some feelings. Although I've never let them show. We talk to each other about everything dreams, marriage, sex, kids, I mean everything. We give each other looks when we go out and someone is getting on our nerves or we want to leave. He calls me if he has to go somewhere and doesn't want to go alone. We are making plans to go on a spring break together. He buys me beers at the bar and pays for me to get into shows. The other night I was staying at his house. He told his roommate he was going to bed and then told me he had just got a new king sized bed if I wanted to sleep in there. He has 4 couches but I went to sleep in his room. I thought we would just sleep. But he asked if I wanted to cuddle and we did. He kept talking like nothing happened and I fell asleep. We woke up and he took me home like everything was the same. I'm just confused on why he would want to cuddle... does that mean he likes me or I'm over thinking
He likes you
He doesn't like you
He's scared to ruin a friendship
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Does he like me or is it wishful thinking?
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