Do guys actually like to be chivalrous to girls?

Most of the guys I know are really gentle and they always open the door for me, or if we're walking they'll stop to let me go first when the road is narrow. Most of them try to pay for things, especially when we're eating out. (Let me point out that they're not doing it only for me, it's their behaviour towards girls)

I was really surprised when I noticed. Sometimes I didn't understand what they were doing (like, If they stopped walking I'd stop too, or I'd get really confused at them not passing through the door) and once I put my arm around the shoulder of a friend and he told me "Thats how the guy puts his arm, the girl's goes around the middle because it's more conformable".
When I asked, some told me that guys are taught these things. I thought about that.

I'm really one for gender equality so I have to ask:
Do guys like doing these things for girls and feel good about doing then?
Or is it something you feel required to do, and wish we would stop asking it of you?
Do guys actually like to be chivalrous to girls?
31 Opinion