He said he is too 'poor' to be in a relationship with me. Should I leave him or stick by him?

I've been dating a Romanian guy since early July who I really feel I have a connection with. He is incredibly, funny, smart, sexy and he always says those are also the same qualities he loves about me.

I'm a full-time student at University but I work part-time at two jobs, he works full time at a pizza place wakes each morning to drop his elder brother off at work 4 am, returns home to sleep and his hours are always 4 pm - midnight. He rarely has a day off apart from Sunday so we're only able to really spend time together either after midnight or after I finish work myself on Sunday.

I haven't had sex with him yet because I don't like to sleep with people I'm not in a relationship with but he has performed oral sex on me a lot. I know it's getting to the point now where I can tell how much he wants to go further but he always respects my wishes not to. He does keep asking if I'm ready though.

Last night before we went to sleep he began stroking my hair and hands and we had this conversation.

Me: "I'm sorry I still won't have sex with you but I just don't want anything casual."
Him: " I understand you but it's not casual I really like you but I don't think I am prepared for relationship now"
Me: "No you mean you just don't want one with me."
Him: "No it is not that at all, I really like you. Look at me I'm a poor guy I have nothing, I come to England with nothing and I am working at shit job I hate. People judge me when they hear my accent here, people think I am a gypsy when I am not."
Me: What does money have to do with anything, I don't care about what you can give to me. It's about how we feel together. I don't care whether you are rich or poor."
Him: "Only you are saying this but most girls care about money. I promise you one day I will be rich and when I do I'll call you. If you are still with me by then and laying right beside me I'm still gonna call you" *laughs*

Additional info below
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After that he just asked me so many questions all night about me, what I love about myself, what I don't like about myself, hopes and dreams for the future and he answered the same. This went on until about 4 am and we both fell asleep. I found out a lot about his life and family last night. It was really nice but I'm scared I might fall for him, should I stick by him for now?
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Oh we do also go for dinner and cook together etc so it isn't strictly past midnight meetings but it is something we have to schedule well in advance because of our jobs which can be frustrating.
He said he is too 'poor' to be in a relationship with me. Should I leave him or stick by him?
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