Guys, is he honestly keen about wanting to meet me?

Met a guy through an app when I'm about to move away for work for 2 months. He seems very keen - asks me questions about my life, would overexplain himself for delayed responses, and was quick to ask me out for a drink. When I told him I'll be gone for a bit and asked if I should let him know when I'm back,

Me: Would love to, bu tI'll be gone for about 10 weeks for work. Let you know when I'm back?
Him: Ah that's a pity but you should defintely reach out when you're back. *
I asked for his number which he said 'xxxx- text me on whatsapp 😊'
Wasn't sure if he wanted to continue the convo or only gave me the no. to text him when I'm back.
I texted him the night after and he asked when exactly do i leave. Told him I leaving for Germany in 2 3 days time.
Him: 'Ah I'm sure Germany would be pretty cool! Message me when you're back 😊'
That's like a fullstop to the convo e. g he doesn't want to do a texationship wh/o having met me? Does he sound genuinely interested?
TLDR: met a guy when I'm leaving for 2 months, we texted but I don't know if he's honestly keen about wanting to meet me
Yes he sounds very keen (and texationship isn't ideal when you haven't even met)
Nah he's just keeping you around - move on!
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Guys, is he honestly keen about wanting to meet me?
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