Do you get undressed or changed in front of your partner?

Been with my boyfriend 5 years I've seen him we've both seen each other nude a few times when having sex. I get that privacy is important in a relationship and will always respect his right to have it. He is not over weight and doesn't have any insecurities about his body. But he still goes into the bathroom to change and never wants to shower with me and also if I need to use the bathroom while he's in there he won't let me go in there he gets angry with me. We don't live together as he hasn't asked me to move in yet. So I just feel like it's his way of keeping a bit of distance between us and not fully letting his guard down. So my question is am I reading too much into it or should I just let it go?
Let it go
He's keeping his distance for a reason
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Do you get undressed or changed in front of your partner?
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