How do I get my boyfriend to toughen up?

My boyfriend's dream ever since he was a child is to join the army and I 100% support him in that choice and is one of the main things that attracted me to him but I do fare for him he's very sensitive, gets easily stressed out and crys a lot when he can't deal with difficult situations. Don't get me wrong I dont see anything bad in men crying but I'm scared he's going to get eaten alive once he joins the army. He's a proper mummys boy and doesn't stick up fot himself.

Once we were in a bar and a guy started hitting on me in front of him we both told him to back off but he turned physical towards my boyfriend and I ended up punching the guy in the face and giving him a black eye to defend my boyfriend. My boyfriend was really mad about it and told me I embarrassed him because I beat a guy up for him, I said regretfully "well maybe if you would man up a little I wouldn't have to" I know how offensive and sexist that was of me to say but I just said it in the heat of the moment. But you see were I'm coming from he needs to learn how to control difficult situations without the tears and stress.

Yes I am being a pushy girlfriend and I love him for him but It's only because I want him to fulfill his dream or he'll regret it later on. I'm being cruel to be kind he's to reliant on me or his mother to fix his situations and no one's going to be there when he's in the army to cuddle him and tell him everything's going to be okay.
How do I get my boyfriend to toughen up?
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