Why do I fantasize about a total jerk?

I wish I didn't, but I do. He is a total jerk, I mean one of the worst people I have met my whole life. He is cruel, insensitive, vulgar, insulting,selfish, without a heart, greedy, without compassion. He is the kind that will step on you, and never lose sleep about the enemies he gathers on a daily basis. His only positive characteristic is his handsome face and body. We had a mostly sexual relationship more than a year ago, I was in a lost, confused and messed up place in my life. Our relationship was crazy, horrible, exciting and mostly left me with a used and uncomfortable feeling.

After a long time of trying to handle my addiction to him, and to control it, I realized I can't win, he is a shark, and I don't even belong in the water. I have cut him out totally of my life, told him off, and blocked him. It has been two months of freedom. The thought of him usually makes me embarrassed, humiliated and angry. Yet, for some reason, I still find my mind fantasizing about him, and often have to shake off these slip ups.

My life is filled with positive people now, genuine people. True love, honestly and hope.

Why the hell can't I get rid of him from my head? Help. It scares me.
Why do I fantasize about a total jerk?
4 Opinion