Why do some men feel so entitled (rape case) text messages might be upsetting to read?

So the WhatsApp messages below have been made public after Alex Hepburn was found guilty of rape today , these texts literally make me sick to my stomach to thing there is men out there that talk this way about women. Alex Hepburn and Joe Clarke are two cricket players from England. They come from very privileged backgrounds and are the fine example of spoiled entitled brats. Even more shocking Alex Hepburn has managed to get himself a girlfriend like how could any girl go out with someone like him. I’ve had to put the texts above because they weren’t posting in this and also (bird) is slang for girl.

Do do you think you are more likely to have a certain attitude towards women if you come from a privileged upper class background? How could anyone be so vile in messages to even say these things?
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+1 y
Get them blind means to get them drunk just incase people don’t understand the slang
Why do some men feel so entitled (rape case) text messages might be upsetting to read?
12 Opinion