What are early warning signs that a girl is just a player?

With guys it's usually obvious,no? I think just as many women are players but they are MUCH more likely to pretend otherwise, since for better or worse society judges women much more harshly for that behavior.

I have been misled a few times by such women. Can someone tell us some things to watch for? I think women's answers might be more insightful but guys are welcome to weigh in here too.
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Gee so far the answrs really aren't that helpful. Most girls are not so obvious as to keep in touch with all their exes.and if they do that doesn't at all mean they are players.
+1 y
Fascinating that NO ONE has a good answer to this!
+1 y
How did they play? Several ways, mainly by avoiding any comment about their personal lives.which you can't take as a sign since it's not polite to pry on those issues, especially on a first date, of course.but naturally the subject comes up.
+1 y
Still no one has come up with any early warning signs. Some of the suggestions would equally apply to any girl who isjust plain busy.and several of the guys say it's IMPOSSIBLE to tell!

Maybe they're right!
What are early warning signs that a girl is just a player?
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