Is texting a guy first desperate?

I have an anxiety disorder so maybe this question might be irrational but I'm just tired of overthinking this. Especially when I hear men complain about women being desperate almost all the time, it just makes me question my actions.
Plus I constantly hear sophisticated women saying that it appears desperate to text guys first.
I'm not the type to text guys first, because it's a mental torment to me and I would hate to appear desperate.
I have male friends, and most of the time they text me first but sometimes I feel it's just right if I do the same, and I really do care about my male friends, I'm just scared that some might think that I have a crush on them or that I'm being desperate for their attention, or even worst what if I'm annoying or bothering them? I just get paranoid and jump into conclusions...

I really just want to know if it's okay for girls to text first.
Is texting a guy first desperate?
Is texting a guy first desperate?
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