My boyfriend is acting weird on my graduation day, he spent most of the time complaining about things, what should I think of this?

My boyfriend of a years and so came to pick me and my Dad up for my "graduation ceremony", I asked him to come early so that he could please take pics of me to send to family abroad and to keep, he asked me "what happened to your friends?" "I have my limits as a man". He got to my house 15 minutes before the ceremony to pick me up (no flowers🤗). We got in the car, he said "wow" as of a compliment, in less than a minute he starts complaining and talking about something related to me🥴 mind u its 8 am and its my day of celebration.

We got to the school, he left meby myself, didn't stand next to me in the line, didn't care about taking pics with me, honestly I just felt a bad vibe all around him. He even said outloud that the graduates are doing too much blsh blah. Then, ceremony is done, in going down the stairs he didn't even care to support me (I was wearing 7" heels) his sister had to tell him to hold my hand. We went to eat (spent the whole time complaining about me not this not that to his sister in front of my dad), we got in the car to my house and he is still complaining and talking
about things that could be discussed some other time. As a pre-med student, who worked my butt off, I just felt like I didn't get the support that I think he could have provided just to be there, be happy for me, and show me that im appreciated. What do u guys think?
My boyfriend is acting weird on my graduation day, he spent most of the time complaining about things, what should I think of this?
3 Opinion