Is it really true that guys with beards are more interesting and chicks like it more?

For me a beard does not make a guy being more interesting or more manly. Guys without beards can be the same.

I have a cousin who had always been a cocky and loves to show off. He has a beard and he told my brother (his also cousin) that why does not he grow a beard, cause according to him: "guys with beards look more interesting and ladies love guys with beards an taht is the reason why many guys like to have beards nowadays". In my opinion not every guy can pull off to look good having a beard. Well my cousin had always like to show off his fancy side having a beard, smoking cigars, drinking good pricey whiskey or good quality beers and pose when he smokes cigars, to pretend to be more interesting and look he is a very fashionable guy. My cousin likes to wear nice jeans, pair of shoes, nice shirts, just to show off most of the time, unlike my brother who is the total opposite, my brotehr is a total relaxed guy, wearing flip flops, khaki shorts and black t shirts all the time, he does not have to pretend someone he is not, unlike my cousin.

My brother vapes and my cousin smoke cigars only in special occasions, so my cousin told my brother once: "Smoke a cigar and stop vaping, cause vaping is bad for you" Well smoking cigar is also bad right? For my cousin smoking cigars are not as dangerous as vaping. For me both thngs are bad anyway.
Is it really true that guys with beards are more interesting and chicks like it more?
5 Opinion