Which one of the Sway Boys do you think is the most problematic one?

I think Bryce is the most problematic one. He has done many terrible things before s yeah I'd say he the most problematic out of all of the sway boys.

I set the names of the Sway Boys from who I think is more to less problematic.
Bryce Hall
Josh Richards
Griffin Johnson
Jaden Hossler
Blake Gray
Kio Cyr
Quinton Riggs
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
+1 y
I couldn't add Noah Beck & Anthony Reeves cause I couldn't ad anymore names. But I think Noah is the least problematic one cause he doesn't really care about any drama and he doesn't smoke or drink so yeah he's problaby the least problematic one. Or maybe it's Anthony cause Noah did travel during a pandemic so I guess I should say maybe Maybe Anthony is less problematic than Noah.
Which one of the Sway Boys do you think is the most problematic one?
1 Opinion