Guys, Im not seeking relationships yet I attract men who only want to use me as a backup plan because they feel they can't get better?

All my relationships ended with me finding out these men were only dating me because they where lonely, felt they couldnt do better or just desperate for any company or where upset about a girl they actually like not liking them or horny.

Before you say "i choose these men" my right to choice is not even present because they dont start off showing there true intentions. They come to me like any normal person we have fun as friends and thats then they tell me they like me so I say ok'

They start off being caring, attentive always there for me. Kind. Then a complete switch happens. They become less attentive like im not there or like im just around.

I ask these men "hey why the sudden change in behavior" I always get the same line "oh im just stressed or sad or work is just keeping me down" so i try to be supportive and caring then a breakup happens

the scary thing is the next time I date and someone tells me they are "stressed" what if im not supportive and end the relationship right there in order to avoid heart break.

Why do i attract men like this?
Guys, Im not seeking relationships yet I attract men who only want to use me as a backup plan because they feel they can't get better?
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