Why are guys dumb enough to date girls with male friends?

Any guy who says he’s cool with his girlfriend with guy friends is lacking common sense, in denial, or he just doesn’t care about about her in the first place.

There is no such thing as “just guy friends”. Come on you know how guys think. These guys aren’t keeping in touch with her just to be friends. Haven’t you ever noticed these girls are never “friends” with the guy who no girl wants?

My girlfriend has guy friends that want her. That’s fine because I’m just using her. She gives good sex and makes baller money. Plus I’m still seeing other women anyways. So I don’t give a fuck who’s she’s around. I’m not gonna marry her she’s just temporary.

Girls with guy friends are sluts. She wouldn’t even be friends with these guys in the first place if there wasn’t physical attraction to begin with. Men and women are not wired to just hang out. They’re wired to fuck!!!
Yes I would date a girl with guy friends
No I wouldn’t
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Why are guys dumb enough to date girls with male friends?
8 Opinion