Does it mean anything if a guy I barely know notices a change in my appearance?

I met this guy a week ago, and we introduced ourselves. We spoke briefly about random things it wasn't anything deep. I was with my friend and the entire time he seemed focused on her. At the time I had a couple of streaks in my hair nothing too bright or really noticeable. A week later I decided to remove the streaks and make my hair one color.

The day following dying my hair I see this guy at the same function. I noticed him staring a few times... and at one point while I was talking to someone else.. I look over & we lock eyes and smile at each other I look back over at the person I was talking to.

As I was leaving I stopped to say bye to him and the others he was with. He then says, "Did you dye your hair? It looks different?" I was taken back at him noticing a minor change.. but I also overthink everything so it is probably the case.

Now, I feel real dumb about asking this and feel that maybe I am reading too far into it... but I like him and am usually so dense when it comes to the opposite sex that I miss out on opportunities.. so yeah. I appreciate any help with this!
Does it mean anything if a guy I barely know notices a change in my appearance?
2 Opinion