Is this guy really into me or was it just the heat of the moment and the club that made him act the way he did?

I like this guy, I’ve liked him on and off for a while now. We know each other because we used to go to the same school before graduating and were in the same class, plus we’re friends and we talk often (not that much anymore though). Yesterday, I met with my friends and some guys from my school at a club and he was there. We would not stop taking glances at each other for the whole night but we wouldn’t do anything, maybe because we were both with other people (dancing or making out for a short while in his case).

After we started to get looser he went up to me and we danced together, then we kissed, then we made out. We made out for a WHILE, he asked me if I had a boyfriend and i said no, to his surprise cause he could’ve sworn my new friend from college i posted in my stories was my boyfriend (and that was his reasoning behind not talking to me that often anymore). He told me he liked me (maybe jokingly I don't know i don’t trust people) and we spent the whole night talking, cuddling, drinking and making out.

Well it’s the night of the day after and he hasn’t texted, he hasn’t said anything to me. His friends started following me on social media so that’s something, but I need some confirmation to see if he wants to continue what happened yesterday or if it was just a moment of heat for him.

I don’t know what to do about this. Should I text him? Should I wait? Should I indirectly try to find out? Or am i just getting way too ahead of myself and should knock it off? We’re in the same uni and have similar classes by the way but don’t share the same schedule if that helps.

Please give me some advice other than just the generic shit and i hope you have a nice day/afternoon/evening wherever you are, thanks!
Is this guy really into me or was it just the heat of the moment and the club that made him act the way he did?
Is this guy really into me or was it just the heat of the moment and the club that made him act the way he did?
15 Opinion