Is this normal behaviour or do you think he was showing off?

So a construction company did large renovations on the house and the boss of the company was unhappy with the tiles someone installed and smashed them off the wall

The guy doing wall tiles works for his own company and he did a bad job and the boss called him back immediately to fix it and the tiler kept saying it was fine and doesn't need to be changed when he got here
They were arguing and I was near them at this point

I heard the boss say i brought you back here so you better fix it and the tiler said "or what" and the boss started swearing and smashing the tiles off the wall
I also heard the tiler say to him 'how long have you known me'
I walked upstairs at this point worried about what may happen and if a fight would ensue
The tiler ended up redoing the tiles after the boss smashed them and when the tiler finished and was leaving he said you'll never see him again

I dont know him enough to know if this is normal behaviour
Is this normal behaviour or do you think he was showing off?
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