Is this normal behaviour for a girl after a relationship of 2 years? Doing very impulsive things and is already in new relationship 1 month after?


One of my close friends started dating a Narcissist. It didn't end well. She almost took her life. Before they were official she went to visit her best friend and used him as a rebound to get over him, but went back to the narc anyway.

She dated the narcissist's best friend first, had a baby, lost a 2 week old baby girl with him and he left her few months after the burial. She then tried to take her life, soon after she started dating his best friend (the Narcissist) for 2 years, She started using heavy drugs on and off and drinking a lot, left him, tried to take her life again and now is dating her own best friend (the rebound guy) who she has always been using as a rebound. Is this at all normal?

The moment she and the Narcissist broke up she traveled by bus again 5 hours to see her best friend (rebound guy) and slept with him again. Came back and next moment a month after the breakup started dating the best friend (rebound guy) who she says she has known for 13 years. She suddenly loves and have loved him for 13 years but always chose other guys over him in fear of what he can offer her and was running away from him. Describes him as a perfect human and is perfect for her, doesn't judge her and knows everything about her.

The best friend is also a psychologist (Nothing against psychologists) and has major influence over her. We don't think 1 month is enough time to get over everything after a relationship of 2 years. All of us tried talking to her. But she doesn't want to listen to anyone. She pushes everyone away including family.

Ignores and manipulates her own psychologist and psychiatrist about her mental health and go against what the doctors keep telling her to not drink while on the meds but she doesn't listen and the "best friend" doesn't do anything to try and stop her when she does impulsive things. Lets her drink and do drugs.

Is this normal and just a phase, and what can we do to help her? How do we approach this? Any advice at all will be helpful.

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Is this normal behaviour for a girl after a relationship of 2 years? Doing very impulsive things and is already in new relationship 1 month after?
2 Opinion