Is it true a woman not capable of loving a man?

I read that women can only love a man for what he can provide her and her children.

A guys comment pertaining to the situation.

Women are not capable of loving men. This is the hardest truth for blue pill men to swallow.

It is possible for a woman to respect a man, but the idealized fantasy most men were taught from a young age by Disney and cartoons and musicals was that a woman can love you with a windstorm of love that will sweep the man off his feet.

Men need respect and interpret that respect as love.
Women need love and interpret that love as respect.

When you don’t love your woman she will feel that you don’t respect her.
When a woman does not show her man respect but gladly pours loves on him he will not actually feel loved. He will feel that she is a superficial woman.

Personally, from an objective standpoint, I believe that a woman can respect you for what you are but not really love you for who you are. All Men who have woken up from the matrix have seen this. It is a hard pill to swallow but the sooner we start living in reality the better this world will be.
Is it true a woman not capable of loving a man?
5 Opinion