Why are men so cruel to overweight women?

My ex when I weighed 155 and I’m 5’8” told me I needed to lose weight every chance he could. And made me work out all the time with him. He’d check out other women too and told me I would be “so hot” if I was fit. Now I’m 122 and fit 3 years later so LMAO jokes on him.
Other men at the time came on to me more and asked me on more dates and would call me “hot” openly and tried to sleep with me. I was also called “23, fat, and stupid” by a guy who asked me out to a drink and to bring my “curves” on over. I rejected him so he said the “23, fat, and stupid” thing. He then proceeded to tell me I’m unstable just because I got emotional over the comment, it was so hurtful. Another guy compared super slender women in front of me and compared me to his ex who had a flat stomach. And he told me I’m not elegant.
This isn’t ok. I don’t have these experiences anymore. In fact guys don’t even come on to me expecting any form of sexual favors. In fact it’s so bad I think I’m not hot sometimes. Overall though I have a higher self esteem now as I’ve realized all these things and do what I can to keep the crud away.
Anyway why do some men treat overweight women like this? It’s dehumanizing and fucked up.
Why are men so cruel to overweight women?
20 Opinion