When I’m out at a club guys always hit on me but are reluctant to buy me a drink why is this? do guys only buy “hot girls” drinks?

They will come over to talk to me then be like sure I’ll get you a drink but never offer or seem keen to do so. Why is this? Just weirdos at the bar or do guys only buy “hot girls” drinks?

It’s like I’ll say oh let’s a get a drink and they are like okay sure it’s never like yeah Ofc what do you want.

Or do guys buy even just average girl drinks?

Like this weekend this guy came up to me (30 years old) and said you are stunning etc do you have a boyfriend etc

Then was so weird when we were at the bar I said let’s do shots and he was like Um yeah sure and got us one.
Only buy hot girls drinks
They are just weirdos at the bar
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When I’m out at a club guys always hit on me but are reluctant to buy me a drink why is this? do guys only buy “hot girls” drinks?
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