He told me that it’s his birthday today?

My friends with benefits (who i rarely talk to nowadays) suddenly messaged me today and said that it’s his birthday (i didn’t know).
i’ve been avoiding him for some time now as i may have caught feelings for him so i just make myself distant.
He noticed it too and asked me why I don’t talk to him anymore.
He always messaged me if i made changes to my profile or profile pictures but i always last seen his messages.
I don’t feel anything for him now so i just rarely text him at the moment. We both agreed that it’s just no strings attached friendship but sometimes, it gives me mixed signals. We did say that we kinda liked each other before and missed each other when we dont meet up for so long.
He even suggested that we should be exclusive friends with benefits because he don’t want to share me.
How do i end this arrangement without getting hurt?
He told me that it’s his birthday today?
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