Third date didn’t go that well, and now he’s not replying to me?

Third date didn’t go that well, and now he’s not replying to me.

I went on a third date with a guy yesterday. It was at 10AM, and overslept because he hadn’t slept properly so we pushed the time to 10:30AM, but he ended up arriving around 20 minutes late.

I was understandably mad about this, but let it go. That’s until he made us leave early, which made me very annoyed because I felt like I woke up at 9AM just to see him for two hours and leave.

Although, he was apologetic about it, and has a good reason which is that he hadn’t properly slept in 48 hours. He reassured me that this doesn’t normally happen, and that he’ll make it up to me. I was still passive aggressive in the car, though. He kept asking what’s up and what I’m thinking of. He said ‘I know you’re mad, but I don’t know what to do about it.’ to which I replied ‘It’s fine, I understand. Nothing you can do.’

He texted me a couple of hours later to say that he’s sorry for what happened, and that he hopes I’m not mad at him. I said that no, I was just annoyed because I was looking forward to this and that I genuinely understand. After rethinking though, I felt like i was way too passive aggressive in the car so I double-texted him saying that I wanted to check up on him, and that I’m sorry for being passive aggressive as well.

So, it’s almost been a day. No reply, which is very unlike him. Not sure if it’s relevant, but he’s on vacation today. Do I take that as disinterest, or wait for his reply? I don’t know what to make of it because I’m genuinely interested in him and it felt like he is too.
Third date didn’t go that well, and now he’s not replying to me?
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