Guys, Hi guys can you offer some advice please and don't be judgmental?

So. I was with my ex for 8 years. And engaged. Another woman got involved October last year. She was told to leave him alone. We started arguing and obviously broke up he ghosted me for 4 days in December then told me he was looking at houses and made up some lies and I called him on it and kicked him out as I told him "anyone else would think you fancied her". He shuddered. However roll on January and a few "your seeing things what's not there " another argument happened, I got blocked everywhere and he ran off with the other woman, told me he didn't see a future with me and ran off with her 4 days later and he's been with her since. She's 51, he's 32. Is this a rebound or monkey branch please?
Guys, Hi guys can you offer some advice please and don't be judgmental?
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