Do I keep a barely alive friendship?

2 months ago, my guy best friend and I decided to hook up. Not sex but everything else. We went from talking everyday, being on the phone all night to only me initiating. It wasn’t flirty when we’d stay up, he’d spill his heartbreaks and inner thoughts that he couldn’t with anyone else.
I wondered, maybe he got what he wanted and left or I wasn’t attractive enough.
I decided to back away too but I’d text him when I needed advice because I could truly go to him for everything. I called him last night for advice and decided to delve into why we fell off. He explained he regrets it because he crossed a boundary he promised himself not to break, feels like he disrespected me and shitty guilty person. I told him I cried when he shifted away and felt guilty and used but he says it wasn’t the case because otherwise he would’ve hit me up to do it again but stopped himself. I’m one to overthink and dwell but I moved past, and it can be normal between us He insisted that it doesn’t work like that with him and that he would end up hurting me more if we stayed close.
He also said he’d never ignore my calls because he cares for me but he can’t initiate or he’ll think of it. I also told him I felt like if It wasn’t for me trying, then we’d never speak again and he agreed I was right. Broke my heart a best friend said it. He said he’d always answer my calls even if it’s 2am like I have a few times, and that it’s up to me if I choose to never make contact again. Do I keep a barely alive friendship or stop contacting.
Do I keep a barely alive friendship?
Post Opinion