Does it turn you off if a guy has hairy butt cheeks & thighs?

Does it turn you off and bother you if a guy has quite a LOT of leg, thigh hair that extends all upto his butt cheeks and butt crack too , although he shaves his torso and groin area regularly?
No issues. Just keep shaving torso and groin hair. Leave legs thighs and butt cheeks/crack natural hairy
Ick. Also shave butt cheeks and crack alongwith torso and groin area. Leave legs and thighs natural hairy
Ick. Also shave butt cheeks / crack and legs/thighs alongwith torso and groin area.
If he's very hairy mostly then just go with the flow.. leave everything natural hairy. Just shave groin area hairs
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Does it turn you off if a guy has hairy butt cheeks & thighs?
7 Opinion