Would you say a man's protective instinct is innate, taught or both?

Several men and even young boys still put themselves right in front of danger. There was an article on youtube about a 6 year-old boy saving his younger sister from a dog but it cost him multiple facial surgeries... so young and already making a decision like that. They could've ran the other way in fear and save themselves but usually don't do that. Sadly, sometimes they get badly injured or die in the process.

I'm alive because of my 1st boyfriend pushing me out of the way (placing himself directly in danger) of a drunk driver long ago. We were just 19 at the time. Sadly he died after saying blurting out the last words ''I love you''. He was so young with his whole life ahead.

By placing themselves in danger, they are choosing the other person's life and safety over their own. Is that naturally innate, taught or both?
Naturally innate
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1 y
Sometimes I wonder about that strong urge they have about wanting to protect us and others... even if it means their own lives at stake.
Would you say a man's protective instinct is innate, taught or both?
5 Opinion