I did not expect this kind of response to an “innocent” question? 😈?

I have a female coworker that thinks a male coworker might be interested in me. I was not convinced but I told her if she wants to try to set it up she can, as I am more curious than anything. No harm, no foul right?
I didn’t want to be direct because I knew he would probably be weird about it but my coworker insisted he would laugh the question off and make a joke or something like that.
So…she texts him mentioning she notices us talking and asked if he would be interested in having something set up. In response he calls her all upset, accusing her of talking to me about this, and then saying we are coworkers and he doesn’t want to make things awkward.
All he had to do was text he was not interested and that would have been that.
What would YOU make of this response?
I did not expect this kind of response to an “innocent” question? 😈?
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