Why would a guy in his late 20’s delete his Instagram, or what would cause any guy to delete their Instagram?

Why would a guy in his late 20’s delete his Instagram, or what would cause any guy to delete their Instagram?
So my crush of 3 years. He always had Instagram. He was what you call a GIGA CHAD. Women chased after him like savages.

He slept with almost every single woman inside a huge mall where we worked.

However he was a father of 2 kids at 14 and so he had to care for them ever since. He was a teen-dad. But he always loved his kids dearly and would always soften up when talking about them.

I always would look though his Instagram like a weirdo. However when this year began he deleted or hid all his photos and posts. He deleted his little Instagram BIOGRAPHY MESSAGE, It just looks like a blank page. It now only says his username and his followers/ following.

I wonder what must’ve happened and why such a popular ladies man like him would do such a thing. He was a tough angry guy, but he was also lively and friendly. He always posted about his Kids mainly.

And he never changed it since the beginning of this year.
Why would a guy in his late 20’s delete his Instagram, or what would cause any guy to delete their Instagram?
2 Opinion