Is he flirting or being friendly?

I decided to switch to a private gym and the owner and I have been training, however, when it comes to flirting I am extremely oblivious. I tend to assume guys are just starting a simple friendly talk and then later on it kinda hits me and I realize it is too late. The owner of the gym is constantly asking me what my plans are for the weekend, the music I like, and a lot of get-to-know-you questions. He has shared a lot of personal stories with me as well about his drug addiction, talks about his son, compliments my extremely baggy clothes, talks about his bodybuilding upcoming competition and I have caught him staring at me while I am talking to other people at the gym. We sometimes communicate through text when I have to talk to him about going to the gym and we have brief conversations about his son or other things. Sometimes when other guys are at the gym and I walk in, they look at him with a smirk and raised eyebrows. But I am just not sure since he is a very friendly talkative person and he has mentioned to a person at the gym people sometimes vent to him and he tends to do the same with others at the gym.
Is he flirting or being friendly?
5 Opinion