I really messed up?

I am an idiot. I was staying at this hotel with a
few girl friends over the weekend. We all got
very drunk and I got into a fight with the girl
who got the room and she kicked me out. I
called this guy I like crying asking him to pick
me up because I didn't have my car. Him and
his friend drove 45 minutes to get me. I barely
know either of them, the guy I like is very quiet
and has not really shown much interest in
actually liking me when I see him. I drank more
in the car and the guy drove us to his house.
He left, went to bed and had his friend drive me home. This was the first time I met his friend. Well then all of a sudden me and his friend hooked up. I was wicked drunk and regretted it immediately. His friend acted obsessed with me for a few days after but now has left me alone thankfully. He claimed he won't tell his friend but he was getting mad at me at one point for not reciprocating liking him back. I don’t think he has yet but I feel like he will tell the guy I like eventually I'm not sure. Now the guy I like has actually been showing interest in me and texting me all the time finally. I don't know what to do it was a huge mistake I barely remember the whole incident. Should I tell the guy I like myself and have him hear it from me first apologize and explain? I really want to fix this but I feel like the guy I like will never talk to me again or give me a chance if I tell him. He asked me to go to the beach with him this weekend and I don’t know what to do..
I really messed up?
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