Um... so my crush has been staring at me a lot? Does he like me back?

It happens a lot to the point that I think about that all the time. My crush has been looking or staring at me over the past 2 or 3 weeks. He sits behind me, more like at the back of the class so at first, I thought he wouldn't be looking at me, he's just looking at the front or someone, not me. But then whenever I turn around to look at him he's already looking at me! Then also at recess, it happened, we even had eye contact. I think and hope that he likes me back BUT the problem that keeps that thought away from me is that I don't sit alone. In my class, it's a two-person seat, everyone sits with their partner. And I am mostly with my friends so it's possible that he likes one of them too. But again the person who sits with me changed schools last week so I sit alone now and he still looks at me... I don't really want to have hopes and stuff because in the end, if what I thought was not true I will suffer. I am really curious about it. Oh right, he doesn't know that I like him or maybe he does, I don't know. I haven't told anyone about me liking him. I get my hopes up but again there are many reasons that he couldn't be looking at me.

Um... so my crush has been staring at me a lot? Does he like me back?
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