I have a close guy friend that I hang out with. He didn't seem to be the very caring type to me. He was funny and fun to be around but he's not an overly gentleman type, at least towards me. We used to talk and tease each other a lot.
But suddenly it seems that he started pulling away. Previously, he won't hesitate to come and sit next to me and talk but now he sits further away. He seems awkward when I talk to him. And he acts like he's trying to avoid me. We used to be able to talk non stop but now he gives me one-worded answers to the questions I ask him. Even other people around us have noticed his behavior and asks me if we were in an argument.
BUT at the same time, he became more caring towards me. When we hang out in a group, he purposely pushes me in front of him in crowded areas, knowing that I hate crowds. When we were hiking with friends, and he found out my leg was cramping, he made me stop and started massaging my leg for me. When I have to walk to my car after work, he walks with me. When it's raining, he offers me his raincoat even if it means that he will get wet instead. He never used to do these things for me. But he's so awkward and I can't talk to him like I used to anymore. He used to smile and greet me when he sees me but now he just ignores me when he sees me.
So his actions shows that he cares. He's always there when I need help. But he seems to avoid me and not want to talk to me. Sometimes he doesn't even answer me when I talk to him. I don't understand what happened and what am I supposed to do now.
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