Does he really love me?


My boyfriend owes back rent. Weve had disrespect issues in the past, such as inappropriate convos with women on internet. He ceased everything once I found out. He is however highly attentive to women including nudity on tv. Uber attentive.
Im a single parent and he moved in during covid. He knows I struggle financially. He also never offers to help with cable bill or household items. He paid rent on time up until work became unstable. Since then he hasn't paid even for his cell phone. Its on my account to save him money.
now he just got a settlement of over 10k. He owes around 3200.00. He paid me $1k over course of 2 days. He said he would pay more bit didn't want it to “all be gone too fast.” He did offer groceries and was bragging about having money. I said yeah I heard now why don't you pay me back? Crickets. How can a man say he loves you and then disregard me in so many ways? I dont think he knows what love really is. He was abused and abandoned by both parents at young age

Does he really love me?
5 Opinion