Guys can pull away to protect their own feelings when they are falling in love? True or BS?


Guys question for you: Is it true that some guys may pull away, become distant and even avoid the girl when they start developing feelings for her if he thinks he might get hurt? Hypothetically due to incompatibility, distance, insecurity or whatever reason that would make dating that girl difficult... could you really pull away or avoid contact to protect yourselves from getting hurt?

AND WHY? (Its just difficult to wrap my mind around how someone can like you, have deeper feelings for you... and still act indifferent?)

1 y
He ended a 2.5years long distance relationship cause things got cold and the girl didn't want to move to his country anymore, so he was heartbroken, but didn't want a relationship without purpose so he ended things. He said he would never do long distance again.
We rekindled a flirtation from the past a bit after cause i was visiting his country in 2months so I arrived there and we were together 4 times, but I was another "long distance" fling. He would be hot and cold. Sweet and then aloof.. wt
1 y
We would have amazing sex and chemistry... I felt the intimacy, the "vulnerability"... and then after sex he would shut down and become aloof and distant. That bothered me and we had some arguments about it but he would always text back and act like he cared, only to be weird again later. To the point of not even kissing me anymore when we were not being intimate. It bothered me obviously. When I was leaving he sent me a cold farewell text. Could this be self preservation or he doesn't care?
Guys can pull away to protect their own feelings when they are falling in love? True or BS?
8 Opinion