Does my coworker have feelings for me?


So, to begin this, I’m not interested in my coworker at all, we’re good friends and nothing more. We chat at work and on text, everyday but usually not in great detail. Anyway I’m interested in whether this coworker may have feelings for me or if he just trusts me as a good friend.

When we go out as a group, we all drink/drugs but not excessively and he seems to become more touchy. Not in a strange way but as of the last time we hung out, he picked me up and put me over his shoulder twice, put his arm around me while sitting down, held my hand to guide me through the crowd in a club and poked my leg while we sat next to each other. Neither of us were sober and I’m considering this as just friend encounters but I’d like to know if I’m wrong.

Over text we will someone’s barely talk at all and then randomly have deep conversations. He sent me a video of a meme with an attractive girl, I called her a 10 and he said she wasn’t a 10. Therefore I made the lighthearted joke that if she wasn’t a 10 then I must be a 3. He stated that I was a 9 and I should have confidence in myself. He then asked me to list our coworkers from most to least attractive.

In all honestly, I believe he sees me as a close friend and he wouldn’t go there. We both trust each other with serious information and I think he sees us as friends, I’d just like to know whether I need to be more clear about the friendship only.

Does my coworker have feelings for me?
2 Opinion