What is it with much older men who hit on really young girls/women?


Even for me as a guy I find that really gross. Like men who are older than me will hit on girls in their 20s - sometimes 18 year-olds! I remember an older man in his 50s who got fired on a job I was at awhile back for hitting on a girl who was like 18 or 20. That was just so absolutely disgusting. Plus I hate how older men try to say "Hey, if she's 18 it's legal," that doesn't make it any better. 18 is still a kid to me.

I honestly cannot understand the hunger that so many older men have for very young women who are still practically like girls or little sisters to me. I just can't. I'll let it slide if the guy is maybe 10 years older, but a 45 or 50 year-old going after a girl who's 18 or 20? Nah.

What is it with much older men who hit on really young girls/women?
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