Are All Good looking Guys Jerks???

This is kind of me venting right now but if you want to reply or comment feel free to. It seems that every descent looking guy I come across ends up being a total asshole! They turn out to be liars and cheaters and users and honestly I'm sick of it. They think that just because they have a pretty face they can step all over peoples feelings as if the other person isn't human enough for them to care about their emotions! I know for a fact that there's nothing wrong with me (not to sound conceited) but I know I look good, I'm smart, I'm great to be around, yet all the guys always go for the stupid easy girls and I refuse to stoop down to that level! Are there any nice, genuine, yet good looking guys out there that actually give a f*** about anything other than the thing dangling between their legs?
Are All Good looking Guys Jerks???
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