Completely ignored all of a sudden?

I met this guy a few months ago through mutual friends. We got along pretty quickly, mostly through groupchats. He has a wicked sense of humor that matches mine, to the point others started commenting on it.

He found out I play his favorite game and invited me to join him. I wasn't sure, as I didn't want to be dismissed as a friend. But the comms were great. We get along really well. Same sense of humor. Some deep convos too. Undeniable flirting. I was convinced things were going well.

... Until last weekend when we went to a friend's party. It was at a bar and when he arrived he seemed really happy to see me, hugged me, then nothing. He went to hang with his friends and we didn't talk until I eventually went up to say bye and left. The few times we passed each other/came close he wouldn't even make eye contact with me.

Part of me wonders if I said/did something to turn him off. I've been going over our last few conversations but can't think of anything. What the hell happened? It's like he just changed personalities overnight.

Completely ignored all of a sudden?
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