Does he like me or are we just friends?

So I’ve had this friend for like 5ish years and for a long time it just felt like friends but recently it’s felt a bit different.

He’s starting joking around with me more sexually and in a flirty way but it’s hard to tell because he jokes like that with other friends too sometimes.
A lot of time it definitely feels jokey but sometimes it feels like he just lets stuff slip and then adds a “hahaha jkjk” to lighten what he said or make it less awkward. There’s been a couple times where he’ll say something like “you have a fat butt” or “you’re sexy” but then laugh it off and go “haha jkjk” most recently I was doing something and he just went “do that again and I’ll have to kiss you” but he didn’t laugh it off as quickly as usual. That’s why I’m here questioning everything.

Even though he jokes with his friends there are some things that he only does with me. I’m usually his first choice to call when he’s off work or bored, he always invites me to go places with him, he buys me things when we’re out, one time he was given 4 concert tickets and instead of finding people to go with he only brought me and then continued to talk about how this was our first concert together, he also gets weird when we talk about how I’ve never been in a relationship, he used to ask me what my type is too.

He also more recently told me how when he likes someone he won’t tell them he likes them he’ll just show them and I kinda feel like maybe he’s trying to show me and I’m just not getting it? Like I wish he’d just straight up tell me😭. What do you guys think? What should I do? I don’t wanna be wrong and make our friendship weird if he doesn’t like me.
Does he like me or are we just friends?
2 Opinion