Why is it hard for some to have a discussion?

This morning, having been asked "Do you want your food heated?" I replied "No." As he was heating his pizza in the air fryer. He came back in the room with his food and drink. I noticed he didn't even prepare mine. I got up to get my food on my own. He argued he was in the right, that if I wanted my food and want it cold I could have followed up my answer as "No, I want my food cold." I replied "All you did ask was if I wanted it heated and I answered your question as no. I did not say I wasn't hungry. Just that I did not want it heated. I told you last night I planned to save some leftover pizza for breakfast." He continued going on that I was in the wrong and I should have specified that I wanted it cold. He threatened to kick me out of his bed, that he is going back on his promise to help me this week and said I was manipulating the situation as well as saying that he isn't a butler and shouldn't be serving me. That he is a boyfriend not a server. He was trying very hard to have me admit that I was wrong. I was simply trying to have him comprehend what I understood by his question he was asking was shorthanded. He feels justified. I feel angry. Over some
Why is it hard for some to have a discussion?
2 Opinion