Guys, To single fathers who have had thier life turned upside down & heart shattered…what was your changed views on attraction & love?


I have caught feels for a man that’s went through a lot where it has changed him in his Approach with women. He used to be very forward and leads sexually fast in his connections. He has always been outgoing but now 2 year After his divorce and still legally married until custody is decided. He has has waves of moods where he can be depress & jaded. That there are times that a quite timidness arm wrestles with his original personality.

I have been friends with him since 11 through his sister. He started being physically affectionate with me… Playing with my hair back rub snuggles, we laughe smile play tag & arm wrestle. We have never done this before but once I start Reciprocating back he withdraws from Initiating touch or looks at me seriously where I feel he is close off and I back off. Then the sun comes out again im sure he likes me then he is quite aloof and unresponsive.

I want to ask for your story, The phases you went through and how I could be the most supportive and patient in the process. Tips advise what ever you feel you like to share that might help. Overall I want to better understand.

Guys, To single fathers who have had thier life turned upside down & heart shattered…what was your changed views on attraction & love?
2 Opinion